
We understand how important having a job is. Unfortunately, searching for a job can be a frustrating process. Here's how we hope our job search engine can help make it less frustrating:
  • We take user-generated reviews to provide data on how applicants see the interview process
  • We use algorithms to screen for companies that do not provide responses to applicants, and blacklist them from your own personal jobhunt
  • We use algorithms to screen for companies that discriminate against minorities, whom face additional difficulties in the labour market
    And we help not just with your job hunt, but also whilst you are in work. . .
  • We try to gauge the probability of losing your job at a particular point, be it to bad management or automation, using industry-wide statistics
  • We constantly screen for jobs that pay higher than the job you are in currently, and recommend the jobs to you where you are most likely to succeed in the interview
    We understand how important a job is, as indicated in Catholic Social Teaching, which we as an organisation are inspired by. As such, our job search engine is an integral part of our services, and happily provided to all

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